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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The speech I hope Edwards makes -

When Edwards looses the South Carolina Primary next saturday here's what I hope he says/does.
Friends we have run the race but its just not gonna work. We need to look at the greater good and have to admit that our number one priority today is to make sure that a Democrat wins the election in November and changes America.

It is clear to me and to many of you that Hillary Clinton can't win the general election. We don't need to visit the history right now but must acknowledge a simple fact that Americans elect people to the Presidency who actually believe in something - who actually have strongly held core beliefs. Unfortunately Hillary Clinton isn't that person. Senator Clinton believes what is convenient to believe. Here beliefs are determined by her pollster. This, in no small part, is the reason she is despised by most Independents and many Democrats. She cannot unite the Democratic Party, she cannot attract Independent voters, she cannot win.

There are other issues that must be addressed - the people want change and America needs change. How can Hillary Clinton, the Corporate Candidate, change anything? Folks are not fools. They know Corporations and their lobbyists don't support her out of the goodness of their hearts. She is owned by then - lock, stock, an barrel. Make no mistake about it - once in office she would surround herself with the same lobbyists and Corporate interests that have financed her Campaign. They will determine her solutions and there won't be change.

It is time for us to admit that I will not be the nominee. We must look to the future and do the greater good. Today the greater good is for me to endorse Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States. He is a man who has the core set of beliefs that the voters demand, he is a candidate that has shown his ability to attract Independents, he understands the need for change and isn't encumbered by those who surround him. Barack Obama should be the next President of the United States.


Hal Espen said...

Excellent post...from a dog-owning, Obama-supporting, Ubuntu-running Santa Fean.

Jabberwocky said...

I fear your post is mightily naive. Educated liberal types who support Edwards would switch to Obama if Edward is off the ballot. However, in the real (offline) world, most Edwards supporters are white working class types who are more likely to go for Clinton. This is particularly so in the South, where Obama is behind Edwards (yes, that's not a typo) among white Democrats.

It's no coincidence that a clear majority of educated liberal types (like you, like me) who are not in Clinton pay support Obama, but if you want to win a real world election you have got to also understand Clinton's appeal.

wagonjak said...

As an Edward's supporter, who has always felt that he reflected and tried to advance the power of the little guy against the powerful more then the other two candidates, I disagree with your putting words in his mouth.

He's been ignored by the MSM and not supported by the DLC and Beltway Dems...his populist message is not popular with the power structure. I'm not sure Hillary and Obama are really going to challenge the rich and powerful...I think Edwards just might. I may be naive...I've been fooled so many times I'm Bushed...

With the race this close, Edwards might be able to push both candidates towards their progressive and more liberal base, and he could even be a kingmaker if the race is close...

Stay In Edwards...Keep The Faith!

SilvestriWoman said...

It may not mean anything but, on Chris Matthews' show today, Howard Fineman predicted that Edwards will ultimately get behind Obama, that there's zero chance he'll support Sen. Clinton.

Dvt guy said...


The whole 6% of hard Edwards supporters will randomly disperse to Obama and Hillary...he doesn't really have any hard support's all name recognition...

Chad said...

Great post. I hope Edwards says something like this too, but his criticisms of Obama lately (especially the really unfounded ones on the Reagan comment) have made me wonder whether it'll happen.

Also, I made a video expressing my thoughts that hillary can't win. It's at my blog:

check it out if you get a chance...

Anonymous said...

Edwards cannot and will not support Clinton, but he will see what happens on Super Tuesday before he commits to anything. There is a possibility that he could pick up some delegates that day (though he will not 'win' anywhere), and then he'd have more to offer to Obama. I disagree that Edwards' will only have support from "educated liberal types" considering his strong populist message and a loyal (but small) union support in some states. Many of the "experts" on television and major print media feel that Edwards can possibly be a "king maker." If all those supporting him while he's still a candidate follow his recommendation after he drops out (February 6th or 7th I'm guessing), Obama's numbers will grow to within the "margin of error" with Clinton in many state's polls.

Jabberwocky said...

All you guys who think Edwards is not viable should take a look at the Mason Dixon South Carolina poll. That's grim reading for Obama, who gets only 20% of white votes vs. 28% voting for Edwards. If Edwards were to quit the race at this point, Obama is toast.

By the way, Nevada reports totally underestimate support for Edwards, because they only report delegate counts. In most precints Edwards was not "viable", and so his votes were not included in the final report.

Bottom line: the best outcome for Obama is for Edwards to stay in the race to its bitter end.

Jabberwocky said...

By the way, the racial split in the support for Obama in the South is disturbing. Nobody can seriously suggest that white folks are all uninformed, which is why they mostly support Clinton (who gets 52% of their votes in the poll), whereas black voters, who overwhelmingly support Obama, conducted careful research leading them to an informed choice.

homunq said...

This is an insult to Edwards, though I agree with the sentiment.

If I could dream, here's what I'd have him say - AFTER several paragraphs of summing up the themes of his campaign and thanking the people who richly deserve it.

"Many would now expect me to choose one of my opponents, to tell my followers whom to vote for. This would do a disservice, not just to those who have supported and voted for me, but to the nation.

"I have learned as I fought this fight with all of you that powerful interests have many forms of temptation to offer. It's not just bribes, or "contribution bundling", or whatever you call it; it is also the endless gossip that the incestuous national media presents as "conventional wisdom", a constant whispering in the ears of the candidate and all of his or her advisors. The only force capable of countering that is the power of the people.

"That is why I am asking my supporters, not to simply fall into line behind another candidate, but to demand more. They should use their own judgement and push their candidate to do better.

"And how can they make that judgement? They should ask themselves, which candidate can bring more new energy into our party, and bring our nation more together? Which candidate has shown the best judgement when the chips are down? Which candidate has surrounded themselves with people who are able to see beyond the ever-tightening noose of what's called "politically possible"? Which candidate would show the world a new face for America, one that repudiates the crimes - yes, crimes - of the current administration?

"Obviously, I have my own answers to those questions. But if it were about my answers, I could just continue my campaign, collecting delegates and hoping to be a "kingmaker" at the end. But this is a democracy; we have no kings, precisely because it is the people who choose. So, to those of you who are listening to me - to all patriotic Democrats, not just my own supporters - it is time to choose, and choose well.

Thank you."