Thanks to Ray Sandoval, Organizing for America's New Mexico director for heading off the deep end and finally giving us a label we can wear proudly. Things have gotten fairly amusing since his email hit Huffington Post last Wednesday containing some quips from The Peoples View. There is no need to recap the tedious series of events or even the content of his email - it can be found in the Huff Po post with more amplifying tidbits here and here. The entertainment continued over at the Daily Kos and with Keith Oberman when he named Sandavol on his nightly Worst Person in the World segment as the bronze metal winner for the day.
So, Mr Sandoval just doesn't like us at all - well I'm crushed! But what fascinates me is what this says about the Obama Campaign not the rants of a Campaign functionary.
Look, we know the Obamatrons hates us so no news there but the intensity of the attack is fascinating. Does this suggest that we are getting to them? Perhaps so but for Sandavol to be quoting from "The People's View", a blog that has long ago turned Obama into deity incapable of error and has proclaimed themselves his protector from those nasty progressives who question Obama's infallibility, is simply stunning.
It floors me that a State Director of OFA actually reads this stuff and doesn’t start crying or fall out of his chair laughing. If that blog reflects the mindset of the Obama Campaign it explains much. Certainly they live in the same sort of alternative reality as the Tea Party folks however they believe in the deity of Obama. It would make a great mini-series for the Dr Who show but frankly no one would believe that Politicians could be so deluded. It really suggests the bunker mentality that the Obama Campaign exists in. Does "The People's View" represent the real thinking of Obama and his Campaign? If so the prospects for his reelection are worse than even I thought.
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