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Sunday, February 28, 2010

House Ethics Committee has no ethics

This really has to fall under the "unbelievable" category. Clearing seven member of the House from ethics charges the US House of Representatives Ethics Committee says its not a problem for a member of the House to "arrange" for an earmark for a company after the folks behind the company give a boatload of cash to that House member. Its stunning! I guess a notarized contract is required for the actions of the House member to be unethical or illegal! Appearances no longer matter in the House as this form of casual corruption must be an everyday affair.

From the Washington Post:

"Simply because a member sponsors an earmark for an entity that also happens to be a campaign contributor does not, on these two facts alone, support a claim that a member's actions are being influenced by campaign contributions," the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct said in a unanimous statement.

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