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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh Happy Day! Pearce to Run!

The conga line at the State Dem Headquarters is forming as we speak!

Steve Pearce has announced!

We get to watch a Steve versus Heather race!

Steve, the right winged wako, against leather Heather!

Since I know of no RePub that likes Heather this is gonna be fun! Getting to watch the knuckle dragging Pearce RePubs from southern NM go into a feeding frenzy is gonna be even more entertaining!

Let's see:
Heather verses Marty = a hard slog!
Steve versus Marty = Senator Marty!

The big question - does Leather Heater move to the right? An early hint could come tomorrow with the vote to override GW's veto of the SCHIP bill. Don't be surprised if she backs down and votes to support the veto as she does wheelies moving to the right. Be prepared for Heather to flush her carefully maintained image of being a "centrist".

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